Cardapult (Discontinued)

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Like this card? Check out the new and improved (and also more affordable) Cardapult V2

The original Cardapult is the size of a standard business card when closed (3.5" by 2"), but opens to form a functioning desktop catapult. This rubber band powered catapult can fire wads of paper or any other small objects that you may have around your desk. Legs at the bottom of the card allow the card to stand upright. Watch the video embedded below to see the Cardapult in action.

Like this card? Check out the new and improved (and also more affordable) Cardapult V2

Safety and Tips

  • This card can be used to launch projectiles. Please use common sense and your own discretion when operating these cards or giving them to other people. Do not use the cards to shoot projectiles at people, animals, or any other objects that could be damaged by the projectile. The operator of the card is liable for his or her own actions.
  • Most people don't know what to do with a card like this if you just hand it to them. It is usually a good idea to show them how it works as you are giving it to them.
  • The axles on this version of the card can be split apart accidentally by someone trying to pull the card apart a little and peek inside. Version 2 of this card has larger axles to make it less susceptible to this problem.

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